Sims 4 toddler mod
Sims 4 toddler mod

sims 4 toddler mod sims 4 toddler mod

Be aware: Sim B will be removed from your Household and added to the Household of Sim A! So keep that in Mind since the Household Size is limited to 8!

  • Sim A will spawn on your Lot and open a Simpicker Menu where you can choose Sim B who will then leave to spend some time with Sim A.
  • The Sim (called Sim A here) you choose will come over to pick your Household Member(s) up (called Sim B here).
  • (The active Sim cannot be picked up so keep that in mind when you choose the Sim to click on the Interaction!)
  • Via the Phone you’ll find the new Option under Social to “Spend Weekend With”.
  • sims 4 toddler mod

    To let Household Members spend time with others: This Mod let’s you send Household Members away to stay with Family Members or Friends for some couple of days Or send your Teens away to stay with a Friend for the Weekend… Send your Kids away to visit their Grandparents or other Parent.

    Sims 4 toddler mod